Real estate prices in Thurins - 69510

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100% of all properties

Lowest price Average price Highest price
May 2024 1 250 € 2 841 € 4 794 €
Evolution since
April 2024
- -0,32% -

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Real estate prices by neighborhoods


Distribution of Houses based on their price per m² (%)

Distribution of Houses based on their surface (%)

Répartition des Houses based on their number of rooms (%)


9 rooms

202 m²


Ref. : 82585743

House for sale


House without opposite neighbors - With garage, workshop, terrace.

House without opposite neighbo...

This superb house, located in the charming town of THURINS, has all the assets to seduce you. Built in 1980, it benefits from a location without opposite neighbors and generous dimensions. With a living area of 202 sqm, it also includes a laundry room of 13 sqm and 168 sqm of annexes including a cellar, garages, and a...

This superb house, located in the charming town of...

icon Thurins - Thurins icon CABINET BELHÔME