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Real estate prices in Magny le Hongre - 77700

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real estate MAGNY LE HONGREPrice : 1 575 000 €

Apartment for sale - 9 rooms - 1700

Family house with garden - Seine et Marne

Located in a residential area close to Disneyland, a family home with unobstructed views, no overlooking and spacious interiors. An entrance hall, a vast living room and a dining kitchen. The reception areas feature cathedral ceilings and large windows opening onto the terraces and garden. Four suites on the first...

Ref. : 85339005
Apartment MAGNY LE HONGRE 3516452_0 Apartment MAGNY LE HONGRE 3516452_1 Apartment MAGNY LE HONGRE 3516452_2 Apartment MAGNY LE HONGRE 3516452_3

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